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Name: Niel Metcalf
Rank: Lt Commander
Serial Number: Undisclosed
Placement: First officer of USS Explorer, NX 71131.
Race: Human Caucasian
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 180cm
Weight: 75kg


Primary SkillsSecondary Skills
COMMANDHistory (speciality combat & tactics)
SECURITYSpecial Operations
Ancient martial arts




PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Earlty thirties Caucasian Male, in peak fitness. Strong and attractive like all good first officers.
PERSONALITY: A risk taker. Metcalf has a passion for fitness. As a member of the Starfleet Elite Special Forces he has needed to be in top physical condition. This has become something of an obsession, particularly with martial combat. He has competed in many tournaments, including Klingon and Andorian Leagues.
PERSONAL HISTORY: Metcalf joined Starfleet in 2374 at the age of 18. The Dominion War was in full swing. He graduated in 2378 with honours in Tactics. He was recruited into Starfleet's Elite Forces Program and was assigned to a new taskforce working under Admiral Eric Pressman on the highly *[CLASSIFIED]* Project. The work was so secret even the majority of the Admiralty was unaware of it's existence. The project was exploring *[CLASSIFIED]*. Stardate 51309.9 (April 14th 23:00) Lt. Metcalf was assigend to first officer aboard the USS Explorer, NX 71131, under Captain Ajax Glass. Metcalf studied Earth martial history extensively, and has been asked to give lectures at the Academy upon occasions. He has a deep passion for martial antiques, and has a collection of ancient bladed weapons and solid projectile hand guns, all Human and all "safed". He has had some dealings with a young Ex-Marquee turned Starfleet Security Officer (a Cardassian/Human hybrid), Lt Thellin. Thelin has experience in what is referred to as Experimental Archaeology; the practice of examining artefacts and ascertaining how they would be used by a society. He specialises in martial weapons, but usually of alien cultures.
