The USS Sutherland has 6 Personnel 6-Man Transporters, 8 Cargo Transporters, and 6 Emergency 22-Person Beam-Out-Only Transporters. The USS Explorer has one 6-Man Transporter and 1 Emergency 1-Person Beam-Out-Only Transporter. Transporters record the information of a body, right down to the electrochemical and Brownian Energy of it’s subatomic parts. Transport of living mater requires the mater to be resolved right down to the quantum level. Cargo Transporters, which are not normally set to Quantum Resolution, may transport a much larger mass of non-living material. The range for transporters tends to be around 40,000 km, thought the Emergency Transporters only have range of 15,000 km.
There are major parts of the transporter system that need to be considered;
These devices are capable of constructing raw materials into preprogrammed food and materials in the same way as a Transporter constructs matter from information stored in the Pattern Buffer. Unlike the Transporter Buffers though, the information stored in Replicator records is based on average matter, and as such is far from sophisticated enough to produce living matter, and even basic foods tend to be blander than normal. Synthahol, the replicated version of alcohol, has much of the flavour, but none of the effects. While this system is energy intensive, it is less so than storing rations for hundreds of people for months on end. It also means that Waste material may be recycled in way that garbage could not normally. Using this system it is possible to eat the same hamburger a number of times.
The USS Sutherland has 4 Main Holodecks, and 10 Personal Holosuites. The USS Explorer has only 1 Personal Holosuites. These devices use a combination of lasers, Tractor Beam emitters, and Replicator technologies to create an authentic feeling environment. These environments are so realistic it is possible to fool people who have been living in a place for generations into thinking they are still there, when they have in fact been transported to a Holodeck. Programming the Holodecks can be very simple since they are set with a sort of "Program Wizard" which allows the computer to draw on a wide amount of information and plot devices to create a realistic feel. The characters are however simply sophisticated puppets and must follow simple character routines. Most are incapable of even realising they are not real. No doubt there are almost infinite miss-uses of this technology. It is not clear how this is monitored, but we assume someone somewhere is watching.